
sooKa bEBe and Mommies (M) Inc are affiliates. Mommies (M) Inc is a place to share info especially on motherhood, babies and toddlers whilst @ sooKa bEBe we sell babies and toddlers stuff online. Please do visit and join us at Mommies (M) Inc FaceBook page by clicking at our fanbox on the right hand side of this blog. For more info or further enquiries please email us at

Monday, March 22, 2010

ILOVEBAZAAR, 27th & 28th March 2010 @ Subang Parade. Mark the Date!

Hey, good news. This is your chance to catch us again, this time at the ILOVEBAZAAR at Subang Parade (in front of Celebrity Fitness) on 27th and 28th March 2010 (Saturday & Sunday) from 11am - 9pm.

What's new?

Our new collection of HELOYAYA's full yarn leather shoes. Sold at the event at only RM34 (Online Price: RM36 excluding postage)

New CARTERS rompers for boys and girls (sizes: 3m, 6m, 9m and 12m) sold at only RM45 - pack of 5 (Online Price: RM50)

What's hot?

For purchase of RM50 and more, you'll get FREE 1 pair of cutesy legwarmers. Your little crawler will surely love it!

There's More?

Yeah, the first 3 customers who flash the following brochure to us and make a purchase of RM30 and above from our booth, will also get FREE 1 pair of the adorable legwarmer :)

Don't forget!

Our affiliate sisters from STILLSISTERS will be there too! So mommy, do get something for yourself too! We heart their latest handbags collection! ;)

Till we meet at the bazaar!

Have a splendid weekend with your family!